March 14, 2025

Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

Kollel Chatzos Prepares for Purim, Announces ‘A Week of Yeshuos!’

At Kollel Chatzos International, nearly 100 outstanding talmidei chachomim are eagerly anticipating the week of Purim, a week that bears a special segulah as a source of brachos and yeshuos for Klal Yisroel. It is a rare merit to support lofty bnei Torah who spend their nights immersed in the sweet, pure waters of Torah and to share in the yeshuos this study brings.

If this is true the whole year round, how much more so during the week of Purim. The gaon and tzadik Rabbi Wolf Nachum Bornstein, author of Agudas Eizov, pressed himself on Purim night to follow his usual habit of rising at midnight to learn. No one else was occupied with Torah learning at that time, and it was decreed in Heaven that he merit a son who would light up the world with Torah. That son was none other than the Avnei Nezer of Sochatchov, whose brilliant Torah novella are studied to this day.

Likewise, the holy Maor VoShomesh notes that the miracle of Purim began at midnight. He writes that even today one can bring about miraculous yeshuos by using this time properly.

The Chasam Sofer writes that it is a tremendous segulah to learn Torah on the night of Purim “from Megilah to Megilah”—between the reading of the Megilah at night and its recitation in the morning. He guarantees that anyone who does see will live through the year peacefully and will merit Olam Haba.

Now you have the opportunity to enjoy this segulah by partnering with the scholars of Kollel Chatzos. You will merit the same brachos as those scholars who stay up at night to learn “from Megilah to Megilah”! With the evening beginning at 6 p.m. at the kollel on the kever of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai in Meron and finishing here in New York at 6 a.m., you have the merit of 12 consecutive hours of Torah learning on the night of Purim—truly “from Megilah to Megilah”!

In honor of Purim, Kollel Chatzos announced a special Sefer Yeshuos in which everyone can have their name, or that of their family and close friends, transcribed for whatever yeshuah they are waiting for. This a great way to make the most of the powers of the Purim day by supporting Torah study on the very night that Klal Yisroel rededicated themselves to the Torah.

For more information or to join, you can contact the central office Kollel Chatzos directly at 1-855-242-8967.


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