January 14, 2025

Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

Kollel Chatzos Reveals the Essence of Lag B’Omer

A tremor of awe and anticipation ripples through the atmosphere, coursing through the hearts of the thousands ascending ancient Meron’s storied hills. They’re going to Reb Shimon. And they’ll sing and dance, light fires and cut little boys’ hair. Most of all, they’ll daven and rejoice and seek inspiration and elevation at the kever of the Tana Elokai.

Amidst the excitement, tucked away on a quiet street in house #56, entrance #9, another type of Lag B’Omer celebration is commemorated. It’s the same like every night—and yet it encapsulates the essence of Lag B’Omer.

In this unassuming room, a stellar group of distinguished talmidei chachamim will gather at chatzos of Lag B’Omer and learn… and learn… until daybreak. Just like they do every night. Just like Rabi Shimon did years ago, on the day of his petira, when he dedicated the day to teaching Torah to klal Yisrael. Just like Rabi Shimon instructed klal Yisrael to do more than 130 times throughout the Zohar, the holy sefer authored on this very day, the day of his petira.

And while thousands of Yidden will remain at the kever of Rabi Shimon throughout the night of Lag B’Omer, these talmidei chachamim learn there nightly. When the rest of the world calls it a night and heads to bed, these talmidei chachamim immerse themselves in vibrant Torah learning, bringing zechusim and yeshuos to klal Yisrael.

Klal Yisrael has always depended on Rabi Shimon as a dedicated emissary of mercy before Hashem. Throughout the generation, tens of miraculous stories have been recorded of the yeshuos and brachos attained in the zechus of the Tana Elokai. Still, those who truly understand the tzidkus of Rabi Shimon and the brilliant Torah light he brought to the world recognize that the most potent way to connect to Rabi Shimon is through Torah learning.

Rabbi Shimon Halperin, rosh kollel of Kollel Chatzos Meron, remarks, “The Kollel Chatzos talmidei chachamim, who are sitting quietly and learning throughout the entire night, are truly connected with Rabi Shimon bar Yochai, fulfilling his ratzon in the most elevated way.”

As more and more Yidden across the globe reach out to support the nighttime Torah learning of Kollel Chatzos, more and more Yidden recognize the enormous bracha inherent in supporting this monumental undertaking. Kollel Chatzos sponsors continuously share amazing personal anecdotes of yeshuos, refuos and besuros tovos obtained soon after they partnered with Kollel Chatzos.

“Every story is testimony to the koach of limud haTorah at chatzos halayla,” says Rabbi Nechemiah Hoffman, director of Kollel Chatzos. “And we hear hundreds of such stories.”

You can reach the ultimate level of bracha this Lag B’Omer and throughout the year. Support the nighttime learning of Kollel Chatzos in Meron, as well as the Torah learning at Kollel Chatzos branches in Williamsburg, Boro Park, Monsey and Monroe.

At Kollel Chatzos, donors are not viewed as mere sponsors, but rather as true partners who are directly responsible for the Kollel Chatzos empire’s accomplishments. And while the primary sechar for sponsors will definitely be in the Next World, the kollel expresses their appreciation through offering special deals at momentous occasions.

This year, Kollel Chatzos presents a special deal. All Chatzos partners will earn a double zechus: the zechus of Torah learning both in Meron and at a New York kollel. Together, this equals 12 hours of consecutive Torah learning and double-supplications on the donor’s behalf.

“Toraso magein lanu; hi me’iras eineinu.” The awesome power of 12 consecutive hours of Torah learned throughout the night will certainly bring an abundance of yeshuos and refuos for klal Yisrael.

Contact Kollel Chatzos today for special Lag B’Omer partnership options at 718-887-9114, or [email protected], or visit online at Chatzos.org.




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