February 12, 2025

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Lamdeinu’s Post-Pesach Learning Begins April 6

(Courtesy of Lamdeinu) Join Lamdeinu beginning April 6 for a new semester of timely and inspiring classes!

On Monday mornings beginning April 12, Dean Rachel Friedman’s lively “Parshanut HaMikra” class for women will continue its study of Sefer Bereishit from 10:15 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

On Monday afternoons, join Lamdeinu for several special classes. Beginning on April 12, Rabbi Hayyim Angel will give a three-part series on “The End of David’s Reign” from 1:00 to 2:15 p.m. On Monday, May 3, at 1 p.m., Rabbanit Sara Wolkenfeld will tackle “Akdamot: The Shavuot Prayer You Never Understood.” Finally, on Monday, May 10, at 1 p.m., Lamdeinu will honor Yom Yerushalayim with a special presentation by Rabbi Alex Israel titled “Jerusalem of Heaven, Jerusalem of Earth.” All Monday afternoon classes are open to both men and women.

Join us Tuesday mornings at 9:15 a.m. for Talmud Tuesdays. Beginning April 6, Rabbi Gedalyah Berger will teach “Talmud: Masechet Sanhedrin Perek 4.” This insightful class, which is offered to women only, will dive into topics such as fostering truthful testimony, judicial seniority and whether a beit din may meet at night and on Shabbat.

Lamdeinu continues its exciting and timely classes on Wednesday mornings. Beginning Wednesday, April 7, Dr. Orit Avnery will join us live from Israel for a four-part pre-Shavuot series titled “Comparing Ruth and Esther: Women, Culture and National Identity.” On Wednesday, April 14, Rabbi Yitzchak Etshalom will honor Yom HaZikaron with “‘Weeping for Loyal Friends’: The Study of David’s Elegy for Shaul and Yonatan.” And on Wednesday, May 12, Channa Lockshin Bob will deliver a pre-Shavuot class titled, “Conversion to Judaism in the Talmud: Is Being Jewish Good for You?” All Wednesday classes take place from 9:30 to 10:45 a.m. and are open to men and women.

To commemorate Yom HaShoah, Lamdeinu is hosting its annual “Learning for Yom HaShoah” program on Thursday, April 8, from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. At 11 a.m. Rabbi Gedalyah Berger will discuss “Trying to Survive: A Halachic Dilemma of Self-Preservation,” and at 12:30 p.m., Rabbi Daniel Fridman will present

“קרוב ה’ לנשברי לב: A Response to the Question of Suffering.”

Learning with Rabbi Berger and Rabbi Fridman continues on Thursday, April 22. For four weeks Rabbi Berger will delve into the “Halachot of Coronavirus” from 11 a.m. to 12:15 p.m., and explore how the pandemic affects the halachot of weddings, burials, Birkat HaGomel, and more. At 12:30 p.m. Rabbi Fridman will offer insights on the weekly Torah portion in his popular “Parashah & Haftarah Pointers” shiur. All Thursday classes are open to men and women.

Finally, on Thursday, April 15, Lamdeinu will celebrate Yom Ha’atzmaut virtually with the community. This exciting and meaningful program features a tefillah chagigit for women, shirat Eretz Yisrael for women led by our own Esti Mellul, and a taste of Israeli culture with movies and discussion. Mark the date on your calendars; more information is coming soon! Please let us know if you would like to dedicate this special day in honor of Medinat Am Yisrael.

Lamdeinu classes and events this semester will take place via Zoom. You can register for classes online at www.lamdeinu.org/register. For questions or to learn about sponsorship and dedication opportunities, please email [email protected].

Lamdeinu wishes the community a Chag Kasher V’Sameach, and we look forward to resuming our learning with you on April 6!

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