(Courtesy of Lamdeinu) Lamdeinu is excited to announce its new spring schedule of classes and programs. Please mark your calendars to resume your favorites and to join its special new offerings.
Lamdeinu’s schedule kicks off on Monday January 8 with Dean Rachel Friedman’s signature Parshanut morning of learning. “Parshanut HaMikra on Sefer Bereishit: The Moral Trials of Yaakov” is a full morning experience from 10:15 a.m.-12:30 p.m., and will begin via Zoom. It includes both chevruta preparation and a brilliant and exciting
interactive shiur discussion. It is a wonderful place to bond over the study of deep and inspiring Torah learning. Lamdeinu invites women to join this robust and enthusiastic group—there is always a place for new perspectives and analytic approaches.
Mondays at Lamdeinu will also feature a special series with Rabbi Hayyim Angel entitled “Two Great Expositors of Contemporary Religious Tanach Study. The series will take place at 1 p.m. on February 5 and February 12. Rabbi Angel will explore the works of Rabbi Yoel Bin Nun and Rav Elhanan Samet in a deep and thoughtful manner that is sure to stimulate your curiosity. Men and women are welcome.

Lockshin Bob
Tuesday mornings beginning January 9 will feature in-depth Talmud study with Rabbi Gedalyah Berger from 9:15 a.m.-11 a.m. Rabbi Berger will concentrate on the first chapter of Masekhet Megillah. This is a wonderful opportunity to develop and hone your Talmud skills in a supportive and deeply intellectual environment. Men and women are welcome.
Lamdeinu is excited to begin a new course on Wednesdays in January and February with the uniquely creative and erudite Rabbi Yitzchak Twersky. Rabbi Twersky specializes in literary study of Tanach and has a global reputation for creative analysis of the Bible. Lamdeinu is therefore thrilled to include his series entitled “Key Themes in Bereishit—The Journey Continues.” Men and women are invited to attend and enjoy.
Wednesdays at Lamdeinu will also feature special classes related to Purim, Pesach and Shavuot.
As Purim approaches, Channa Lockshin Bob will return on Wednesdays to present “Four Themes in Megillat Esther.” This series runs from February 28 through March 20 and is open to men and women.
In preparation for Pesach, Rabbi Twersky will tackle “Exploring the Exodus: Themes of Pesach.” The series takes place on Wednesdays from March 27 through April 17. Men and women may take advantage of this unique opportunity.

Finally, in honor of Shavuot, Lamdeinu welcomes back Sarah Gordon, who will teach a two-part series entitled “Exploring the Book of Ruth” on Wednesdays, May 15 and May 22.
Wednesday classes are free and open to men and women. A suggested donation is appreciated so that Lamdeinu may continue to bring similar offerings in the future.
Thursday mornings are a time to think about our tefillah and to prepare for the coming Shabbat’s Torah and Haftarah readings. Join Rabbi Gedalyah Berger from 11 a.m. to 12:15 p.m., beginning January 11 to study “Hilkhot Mezuzah.” And don’t forget Lamdeinu’s signature lunchtime one-hour shiur with Rabbi Daniel Fridman, who will provide weekly “Parashah and Haftarah Pointers” from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Thursdays to enlighten your shul experience. Men and women are welcome to join these classes.
Lamdeinu also offers several special shiurim to memorialize historical events of the past century that are of vital significance to Am Yisrael. On Monday May 6, Rabbi Twersky will zoom in from Israel to deliver a moving shiur on the significance of Yom Hashoah, and on Wednesday, June 5, he will consider the vital importance of Yom Yerushalayim in Israel and the Diaspora.
Finally, please mark your calendars now for Lamdeinu’s annual Yom Ha’atzmaut celebration, to be held on Tuesday, May 14, beginning at 9 a.m. This event is for women only and the community is invited to help with planning and celebration. Join Lamdeinu for tefillah, Torat Eretz Yisrael, shirat Eretz Yisrael, Israeli movies and discussion, and much more. This is an inspirational morning not to be missed. More details will follow.

Now is the time to plan your spring learning calendar with Lamdeinu. To register for a class or program, please visit www.Lamdeinu.org/register. For questions or to learn about sponsorship and dedication opportunities, please email Program Director Debbie Negari at [email protected]. For ideas and suggestions regarding your learning, you may contact Dean Rachel Friedman at [email protected].
Lamdeinu is looking forward to studying in-depth and being inspired together.