February 23, 2025

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Learn With YU Roshei Yeshiva While Earning a YU Degree in Israel

(Courtesy of YU) YU in Israel combines the rich Yeshiva University beit midrash environment and advanced Torah studies taught by roshei yeshiva with a specially designed academic curriculum between YU and Tel Aviv University (TAU) or Bar-Ilan University (BIU). It offers talmidim an opportunity to learn in Israel while earning one of two YU degrees that prepare them to enter an ever more competitive global job market.

Beginning in Elul Zman 5784, the men’s Torah studies curriculum will feature an in-depth learning program with roshei yeshiva including in-person shiurim from Rav Hershel Schachter. The learning continues throughout the year with a serious daily morning and night seder and opportunities to learn alongside RIETS semicha students and from world-renowned YU roshei yeshiva and rebbeim, including Rosh Kollel of the RIETS Israel Kollel Rabbi Dovid Miller, Sgan Rosh Kollel Rabbi Assaf Bednarsh, and Rabbi Chaim Eisenstein, raam at the Gruss Kollel.

“I am proud to be part of this unique program that enables students who are serious about their learning to lean into the legacy of Yeshiva University and RIETS — that has trained thousands of musmachim — and connect the depth and breadth of their Torah with Kedushas Yerushalayim,” shared Rabbi Eisenstein.

“President Berman has brought the full strength of the Yeshiva in NY to YU in Israel. Students will have the opportunity to learn from Torah giants not only Gemara Be-Iyun, but also experience the unique hashkafa and teachings of our rebbeim from both sides of the ocean,” noted Rabbi Dr. Yosef Kalinsky, dean of undergraduate Torah studies at YU.

Alongside the learning in the beit midrash and YU’s world-class Torah studies, the academic curriculum is specifically designed for YU students in partnership with acclaimed Israeli institutions. Through YU in Israel, students can earn a degree in business while taking courses at TAU or a degree in psychology with BIU. The rigorous academic courses, taught in English, include one or two days a week on the BIU or TAU campus and online courses.

This daily schedule is based on YU’s signature model of Torah studies in the morning followed by academic classes, complemented by a robust campus life. Talmidim will not only attend shiurim with the Gruss Kollel, they will also experience student activities including extracurricular programs, tiyulim and special Shabbos programs. Students will also gain access to the community of Yeshiva University olim in Israel who will mentor them on how to develop their careers and integrate into Israeli society.

The program is suitable for alumni of YU-affiliated yeshiva programs. Students will live on the YU in Israel campus set on a hillside of Bayit VeGan overlooking the heart of Yerushalayim.

Additionally, due to recent partnership grants, the pioneering program now features an attractive reduced tuition for the inaugural cohort of only $17,500 for the year, with a housing fee of $8,500.

“The YU in Israel undergraduate program is a gift to the Jewish nation at a time when it is needed most,” said Yaffa Zilbershats, the academic chair of YU in Israel, a law professor and former head of Israel’s Council for Higher Education’s planning and budgeting committee, where she was known for revolutionizing Israel’s higher education system.

“This is truly a revolutionary program and we are excited to work together to give YU a far-reaching presence in Israel,” said Zilbershats. “This is a game-changing program in Israel — which is poised to have a long-term impact on American and Israeli Jewry — and we hope this partnership will expand to include additional disciplines and collaborations with more Israeli universities.”

For more information, visit yu.edu/israel/men. For women’s campus experience, visit yu.edu/israel/women.

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