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October 18, 2024
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Learning Opportunities Abound for TABC Students Over Break

The TABC community had several spectacular learning opportunities available to them during intersession. First, Rabbi Chaim Jachter guided a group of students through a deep dive into a new book on the halachic implications of the international dateline, written by Rav Mordechai Kubar. Rav Kubar is a leading posek who heads OU Kosher in Japan and leads a kehillah in the Telzstone neighborhood of Jerusalem. Students, alumni and parents had the pleasure of hearing (via Zoom) from Rav Kubar (who also happens to be the uncle of TABC junior Aidan Samet) on the last night of the break. In preparation for the talk, Rabbi Jachter led a well-attended introductory Zoom shiur on the topic of travel across the dateline.

Rabbi Shaya First led students in another fascinating exploration, this time related to physics with a twist of Torah added. His group focused on Dr. Jeremy England’s popular new book “Every Life is on Fire: How Thermodynamics Explains the Origins of Life.” One of the top physicists in the world, Dr. England is also an Orthodox rabbi with a fresh and creative approach to Chumash. Rabbi First guided students as they delved into Dr. England’s book, which is designed to introduce a wider circle to his ideas on how thermodynamics explain how life began. In a very surprising turn, Dr. England devotes the chapter endings to a discussion of how the three otot (signs) Moshe Rabbeinu showed us in Mitzrayim serve as a model of his theory of the origin of life.

The TABC family had the pleasure of also hearing Dr. England (via Zoom) discuss important takeaways from his new book. This was the third time in the past few years that Dr. England has devoted time to address questions from TABC students regarding the interface of Torah and science. Students were well-prepared for Dr. England’s talk following Rabbi First’s meetings and guidance via Zoom over the break.

In addition to discussions of these two books, Rabbi Chaim Jachter began to lead his Model Beis Din team in preparation for this year’s upcoming match which will be held virtually this year by Lander College for Men. The topic this year concerns halachic priorities in vaccine distribution, on which Rabbi Jachter prepared a 30-page document for students to comment upon. The team, blessed so far with no less than 15 participants, hopes to capture first place in the competition as it has five times in the past seven years.

Finally, learning of shnayim mikra did not cease during the break, with Rav Yoni Mandelstam continuing to inspire dozens of students and faculty to master each week’s parsha with Rashi.

Yasher koach to the many students, alumni and parents who took advantage of the first-class learning opportunities offered by TABC over the break!

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