It’s always fun holding a music meeting with Heilige Al Gordon. Radio Folks update charts weekly in effort to please the listeners. Join us for a look at what goes on behind the scenes:
Folks send us music constantly. We devotedly listen to each one. We pray for others’ success and are blessed to have working relationships with many artists. Ultimately though, we promote God and Unity. Full disclosure: Jewish music isn’t the only cookie jar we’ve got our hand in.
Sarah: Have you noticed trends lately?
Al: There were more ballads throughout the epidemic. Now we’re seeing upbeat songs again including collabs, something we favor.
Sarah: We took a poll on our biggest platform regarding radio use. The response was varied with many listening to news, talk, specific music genres and those who listen via audio without internet/radio connection.
Al: Tradition had “morning/afternoon drive time,” weekends and in-between. Different crowds, yet something for everyone. We have loyal listeners worldwide.
Sarah: How do you determine which music is likely to succeed?
Al: It’s a judgment call, based on decades of experience. I’m not always right of course; sales determine success.
Sarah: Do you prefer some artists over others?
Al: No. We aim to please the public. Personal taste is not part of decision-making. We encourage, promote and provide fair access to all. Our motto: WE GO forward. Leave the EGO out of it.
Sarah: How would you classify your radio Station/radio shows?
Al: Mass-appeal programming.
Sarah: How do you define a mass appeal-artist?
Al: A musician who appeals to all genders, ages, demographics.
Sarah: Your approach seems very flexible. How has that helped or hindered growth?
Al: We are a fun, unique and comprehensive radio presence, especially in Jewish music.
Sarah: Do you have a “pet peeve”?
Al: Artists releasing singles instead of albums. Traditional radio relied on airplay of singles from albums, previewed there. Listeners would hear, get used to the music, purchase. Bingo—success measured. No bombarding of constant “single” releases. Familiarity is part of productivity. “Boom Boom” music is a current anomaly.
Thanks for joining us. Reach out anytime for requests and dedications. We welcome guests “on-air” Live.
Al and Sarah (Newcomb) Gordon own and operate 1640 WJPR, a unique radio station in hybrid format out of Highland Park/Edison, New Jersey. Al has been dazzling “Radioland” with his voice and personality for decades. Sarah, a writer, realtor and therapeutic healer is new to radio and new to the Gordon household. Together they hope to blaze a unique trail utilizing their special Koach, impacting their children, grandchildren, community, many fans and all others as intended from above, one song and one smile at a time. #TYH Nation YOU matter! They can be reached at: [email protected].