To the Editor:
I just wanted to thank you for the article in the Jewish Link (Cover article – May 15 “Team Zeidel Rallies Community for ALS Research”) about our family’s efforts to raise money for the ALS Association. The article was beautifully written and we received so much positive feedback from it! Also, it helped us spread the word about the Walk to Defeat ALS and we were able to raise over $30,000 for the organization.
Great job on the paper; I love reading it every week.
Dassi Zeidel
To the Editor,
We would like to thank you for publishing the article, “Billions for Education?” Should Israel Be a Funder of Day- School Education in the Diaspora?” When it was first published on, it attracted a great deal of attention concerning funding for Jewish education and we are pleased that you have chosen to give it a forum in your excellent publication. We would like to provide you with an update: we have formed a new organization—The Evans Consulting Group—and will be continuing to write articles of interest to your readers. Our new website,, will be completed shortly. We hope that you will continue to use us as a resource about both Jewish education and other critical topics relevant to the Jewish community.
Robert Evans and the Evans Consulting Group
It is that time of year again. It seems all of the animals of the woods have come to visit once again. Rabbits, skunks, deer, and even a few stray cats abound. They seem unduly attracted to our garbage. They can eat through any unsecured or uncovered can. Many of them make short work of plastic bags. As part of a good neighbor policy it is incumbent on us to keep our cans securely fastened and covered. As our population increases, Kain Yirbuh, we may need to buy an extra can or two—it should considered a cost of our more rustic living style. Even overnight plastic bags for collection the next day invite unwanted, perhaps even dangerous, critters, and the associated scattering of garbage all over our property and that of our neighbors. V’Ahavta L’Rayachah Kamocha, let’s keep our area safe and well kept.
Phil Friedman Bergenfield, NJ
To the Editor:
I do not see how the Jewish Link desecrated the memory of the Six Million by stating that the first POLITICAL lesson of the Holocaust was to go and vote. After all, the Jews and other anti-Nazi party voters in Germany were subjected to voter suppression by the Brown Shirts, who made enormous gains in seats in the Reichstag by doing so, and were then able to elect Hitler in 1933 from inside the Riechstag. The Jews of Germany, incidentally, were permitted to vote until 1935. History has shown that the right always gains when voter turn-out is low, as evidenced by the recent elections in Europe, where masses of eligible voters didn’t bother to go to the polls. And the threat is real. We must keep our political eyes and ears open at all times, and vote, even in Bergen County.
The results of the recent primary elections and the Teaneck Township municipal elections should be a wake-up call to all voters. GET OUT AND VOTE no matter how sure you are that your candidate will win even if you don’t bother to go to the polls. Don’t think that it is impossible for a Lyndon LaRouche sympathizer to win an election! I have seen them in front of the Teaneck post office, distributing information and soliciting support. Last year, their candidate, Diane Sare, who ran on the Democratic ballot, got 10% of the vote in the congressional primary, when she ran against Adam Gussen and Jason Castle. This year she ran for governor against Christie and Buono. They are out there trying to gain a foothold wherever and whenever they can.
Next election, be sure to vote, even if you think that your candidate will win without your help. You never can tell what can happen, as witness in these past two elections!
Anne Senter Teaneck