March 25, 2025

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Local Boy Scouts Sukkot Activities Report

Boy Scout Troop 226, chartered to the Teaneck Jewish Center, had an exciting program of activities for Chol ha-Mo’ed Sukkot. On Sunday, the troop took a five-mile hike at the Pyramid Mountain Natural Historic Area in Montville, NJ. We were joined by Scouts and leaders from Troop 55 of Highland Park, NJ. We began by climbing Pyramid Mountain and headed to Lucy’s Lookout, a west-facing viewpoint. We then proceeded to Tripod Rock, a huge 180-ton glacial erratic perched on three smaller rocks. After admiring this very unusual feature, we climbed Eagle Cliff and descended very steeply to a beautiful valley. Soon, we reached Bear Rock, a massive boulder about 20 feet high and 40 feet long, which marks the boundary between Kinnelon and Montville Townships. From there, we again climbed Pyramid Mountain, this time reaching its summit, which afforded a panoramic view over the New York City skyline. A great time was had by all!

Following the hike, the Scouts headed to Congregation Ahavat Achim in Fair Lawn, where Rabbi Uri Goldstein had prepared a delicious barbeque for everyone. Everyone enjoyed the hot dogs and hamburgers in the shul’s beautiful sukkah.

The day’s activities were followed by an overnight in the spacious sukkah of Congregation Beth Abraham in Bergenfield. Rabbi Tanchum Cohen sang songs, while playing his guitar, and told interesting stories. The Scouts performed skits and enjoyed delicious cookies baked by Rebbetzin Cohen.

We intended to get up in time for the 8:00 a.m. shacharit minyan at Beth Abraham. But at 4:30 a.m., we all suddenly woke up to a loud noise. A nearby sprinkler system had gone on, with the result that most of the Beth Abraham sukkah was drenched! Many of the Scouts were sleeping in the area reached by the sprinklers, and their sleeping bags were now soaking wet.

Since everyone was awake, we decided to go into the youth activities house next to the shul (where it was dry and warm) and then daven with the 6:00 a.m. minyan, the earliest minyan at Beth Abraham. Following the minyan, the Scouts enjoyed donuts and bagels in the sukkah (which had dried out in the interim) and were then picked up by their parents. The sukkah overnight ended up being a little more of an adventure than had been anticipated, but the Scouts still had a wonderful experience.

Troop 226 meets each Monday evening during the school year from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. at the Weiss Auditorium of the Teaneck Jewish Center. All boys ages 11–17 are welcome to join. For more information, please contact Daniel Chazin, Scoutmaster, at 201-836-7019 or [email protected].

By Daniel Chazin

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