Ma’ayanot Judaic studies faculty have hit the road to share Torah classes and keep the kesher with alumnae strong. Rabbi Zev Prince, assistant principal for Co-Curricular Life at Ma’ayanot, gave a shiur to a packed room of alumnae and other undergrads at Stern College on Wednesday, March 27. The topic was “Conquest and Cultivation: Preparing for Life’s Second Act.” Sarah Gordon, director of Student Activities and Experiential Education, taught a class entitled “The Great Escapes of Tanakh: Leaving Egypt and Leaving Sedom,” at Barnard College on April 2, and Rabbi Donny Besser, director of Torah Enrichment, gave a shiur on Pesach Preparation in Washington Heights on April 3. Yael Weil, teacher of halacha, gave a pre-Purim shiur to alumnae at Rutgers last month as well. Alumnae are also invited to a pre-Pesach shiur at Ma’ayanot on April 17. For details, please visit