March 3, 2025

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Ma’ayanot Heartbeats Album Released to Raise Funds for Make-A-Wish Foundation

Every year, Ma’ayanot students plan a cherished evening of song and dance performances, called Heartbeats, for women of the community. Every element of Heartbeats is completely run by students and raises money for a different chesed organization each year. Leadership of Heartbeats is a treasured part of the senior experience at Ma’ayanot, as each year of Heartbeats is a profound opportunity for students to both spearhead an incredible event and display their remarkable creative talents.

As Ma’ayanot Dean of Students Bailey Braun explained, “When Ma’ayanot closed in March, emails from students began pouring in, ‘What will happen to Heartbeats?’ I assumed that the event would be cancelled, and this would be yet another disappointment and loss in this trying time.”

“Our resilient, innovative and inspired students had a different plan,” continued Braun. Led by Heartbeats song heads Ayelet Abenaim, Gila Cohen, Daniella Shlagbaum and Kayla Zlotnick, the students created a Heartbeats album to raise money for the Make-A-Wish Foundation and released it on June 1, together with a link to donate to their charitable cause. As Shlagbaum explained, “We found a way for every student to record their parts at home. We sent them a video with step-by-step instructions. After getting all the recordings, we spent countless days and hours editing the songs and putting them together. It was an amazing feeling when everything came together.”

The album even features a special alumnae track by current and former Heartbeats song heads spanning over a decade of Ma’ayanot graduates, a collaboration which would not have been possible at a live performance. Concluded Braun, “We are so proud of our students and have loved having the opportunity to watch them rise, meet a challenge head-on and shine even brighter.”

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