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October 22, 2024
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Ma’ayanot Initiates Bayit Cham Program

A chill is in the air, but warmth is emanating from Ma’ayanot well beyond the school building. Beginning this fall and throughout the school year, Ma’ayanot students are invited to their teachers’ homes every Shabbat, on a rotating basis, as part of a new program called “Bayit Cham,” or warm home.

“Ma’ayanot is more than a school. It’s a community,” said Rabbi Zev Prince, Director of Co-Curricular Programming. “Just as a community functions 24/7, Ma’ayanot plays a role in our students’ lives beyond the five-day school week. Now, on a weekly basis, Bayit Cham provides students opportunities to hang out together on Shabbat, and also creates an environment in which students can bond with their teachers outside of school.”

The first program took place on Shabbat Shuva, October 8, at the Bergenfield home of Ma’ayanot’s Director of Guidance, Dr. Rayzel Yaish. Dr. Yaish and her co-host, Dr. Oshra Cohen of the school’s guidance team, were joined by 18 students, representing all grades, for “Teshuva Talks.” There was a cold sorbet bar with toppings to complement the theme of Bayit Cham. Learning was in honor of Shabbat Shuva, with a focus on how and if people can change, using as a point of departure concepts from the field of cognitive behavioral psychology as they connect to teshuva. Dr. Yaish happily overheard students saying, as they were leaving, “These programs are such a good idea…they make me feel that Ma’ayanot is not just my school, but also my home away from home.”

Two other successful Bayit Cham programs were held over Sukkot. On October 18 in Teaneck, Mrs. Yael Weil, teacher of halacha, held a program for students and parents in which she shared snacks and a shiur in her sukkah. The program, which Mrs. Weil entitled, “Because I’m Happy: Pharell’s Sukkot Message,” drew students from all grades, as well as many parents. Her shiur explored four Jewish definitions of simcha. “Although there were more than four types of desserts, it seemed that people had more of an appetite for learning than for eating, because there were a lot of leftovers,” Mrs. Weil shared.

Mrs. Ofra Wind attended the shiur with her daughter Maya, a sophomore. “The teachers at Ma’ayanot never cease to amaze me,” said Mrs. Wind. “Their warmth and dedication is incredible. Mrs. Weil was engaging, and the girls were so responsive.”

That same afternoon, Mrs. Adele Katzenstein, a learning specialist in Ma’ayanot’s Learning Center, opened her home to students in Monsey. She provided “Food, Schmooze, Singing and Games.” Two of the students walked almost 40 minutes to attend. “Since the Monsey community is quite widespread, it was really wonderful to have girls committed to taking the long walk to join our get-together,” said Mrs. Katzenstein. “I am hopeful that our upcoming Bayit Cham in New Hempstead will attract even more girls.”

General Studies faculty have also invited students to their homes. On Monday, September 26, Mrs. Adeena Pultman, Ma’ayanot’s teacher of current events, invited students to her home to watch the first presidential debate together. “I loved having the opportunity to connect with my students outside of the classroom and watching our pre-debate lessons come to life,” said Mrs. Pultman.

“It’s always been a hallmark of the school culture that teachers invited students to their homes to learn and hang out,” added Rabbi Prince. “Bayit Cham formalizes those invitations and makes sure they are available to all students in every grade and in so many of the communities we serve.”

Shira Gelb, a senior and president of G.O., the student government, added, “It’s really special that our teachers open their homes to us and learn with us outside of school.”

Ma’ayanot faculty members have already filled the calendar to host Bayit Cham programs during Shabbatot throughout the semester. As Shalva Faber, a junior, said, “Bayit Cham elevates the warmth of the school and spreads it to Shabbat as well.”

To learn more about Bayit Cham and the many other unique programs offered by Ma’ayanot, please attend the Open House on Sunday, November 6, at 9 am. Pre-register at

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