Ma’ayanot students increased their own inner lights on Rosh Chodesh Kislev and in anticipation of Thanksgiving as the school emphasized giving back through chesed and celebrated Gratitude Week! To kick things off, we had a special Community Time period on Rosh Chodesh to learn about the science of gratitude and the ways these habits improve one’s own happiness. Students were challenged to make gratitude more than an attitude and part of their daily life. Each grade wrote heartfelt letters of gratitude to the amazing Ma’ayanot faculty. These were presented to each teacher as a Thanksgiving gift. Throughout the week, the front atrium displayed a “Tree of Gratitude” where students posted “leaves” expressing what they are grateful for. By week’s end, the tree was overflowing with the many brachot in our lives! The Ma’ayanot Chesed Committee also launched their annual collection for the Bergen County Chanukah Toy Drive, inviting students to give back and bring joy to others. To cap off a fun, meaningful Gratitude Week, students were treated to a special seudat hodaya. Students were honored to hear words of gratitude and chizzuk from Micah Kaufman, who shared his incredible story of recovery, and left them charged with a mission to do as much chesed as they can. The seudat hodaya was also a pre-Thanksgiving celebration, and included Ma’ayanot’s annual tradition of Thanksgiving pie and ice cream, along with some thought provoking learning and discussions highlighting the many brachot they are grateful for in their lives.