September 8, 2024
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September 8, 2024
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Ma’ayanot Provides Exceptional Learning Opportunities for Yamim Noraim

Torah sources describe the days between Rosh Chodesh Elul and Yom Kippur as the most opportune time to seek out Hashem. Ma’ayanot has risen to the occasion by offering unparalleled opportunities for learning and inspiration, for students and for the wider community.

In school, the entire student body is learning Sefer Yonah, which is read on Mincha of Yom Kippur. As freshman Aleeza Goldberg said, “It makes us all connect on a deeper level.” Agreed freshman Tali Novick, “It allows the entire school to grow spiritually as a group.” Outside the classroom, Ma’ayanot students have learned from three renowned speakers within two weeks: Rabbanit Shani Taragin, who spoke about paradigms of tefillah; Rachelli Fraenkel, who compellingly discussed the concept of ayin tovah at a school-wide pre-Rosh Hashanah yom iyun, showing, as juniors Shira Adler and Talia Halstuch said, “that the picture you see depends on your perspective”; and Rabbi Yaakov Glasser, who inspired students with his trademark mix of humor and Torah on Tzom Gedaliah.

A Friday night oneg hosted by the family of Rachelli (‘20) and Chaya (‘23) Geffner on September 20, brought Ma’ayanot students together for ruach, song and inspiration. Sophomore Abby Rosenfeld said, “It was great to see teachers and students outside school, in a religious/learning environment.” Concurred junior Gabriella Bak, “It was so welcoming.”

The wider community also shared in Ma’ayanot’s Torah, with the Community Yom Iyun on September 22, featuring Rabbi Jeremy Donath as the keynote speaker about “Conflict in an Age of Polarization”; with Ma’ayanot continuing its annual tradition of hosting Migdal Oz’s pre-Selichot inspiration and Selichot on Motzei Shabbat, September 21; and with Principal Rivka Kahan’s adult education series, “The Teshuvah of David HaMelekh.” Learning about the great figures of our past, from the incredible role models of the present, will prepare the Ma’ayanot community for the coming Days of Awe.

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