The Ma’ayanot Rapids are still roaring! In order to comply with strict social distancing and mask rules, Ma’ayanot has revamped its athletics department to meet the new guidelines. Ma’ayanot is excited to offer Healthy @ Home classes in which students fill out an exercise log each week and learn to be accountable for their physical health and develop lifelong healthy habits. Students can use the Rapids Fitness Zone website to get both fitness and sports oriented workouts, join an optional live class or complete their own favorite workout at home. Ma’ayanot athletic teams are also gearing up for an exciting season. Coaches are running practices outside to help develop the skills and camaraderie of the Rapid teams. Ma’ayanot is currently offering track, tennis, softball, for the fall semester and training the soccer, basketball and volleyball teams for spring semester. All team members are wearing masks and practices are developed to maintain social distance. Ma’ayanot is so proud of its students’ commitment to their health and of their sportsmanship, both on and off the field. Here we go Rapids, here we go!!