Students in Ma’ayanot’s Scholars Program—a voluntary extracurricular program for students interested in engaging in Torah lishmah activities throughout the school year—visited Touro’s beit midrash for a day of incredible Torah learning. The day began with opening remarks from Dr. Marian Stoltz-Loike, Dean Of Lander College, which were followed by shiurim offered by numerous members of the Touro faculty: Dr. Susan Wasserman presented on “Introducing Avraham…Moshe…or Not: Why Some Biblical Personalities are Introduced and Others Are Not;” Rabbi Tzvi Flaum gave a shiur titled “An Introduction to Jewish Medical Ethics and the Doctor’s Right to Heal;” Dr. David Luchins shared a Jewish perspective on the 2016 Presidential election; and Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser outlined practical ways one can achieve personal growth during the Omer.
In addition to a full roster of shiurim, students also heard from English Professor Sarah Rindner-Blum, a Ma’ayanot alumna ‘02, on how Ma’ayanot shaped her identity and prepared her for her work in academia.