The Third Annual Ma’ayanot Challah Bake was held in Ma’ayanot’s expansive multipurpose space the evening of Feb. 26, and hosted close to 400 women—teachers, students, mothers and grandmothers—in a show of unity in spirit and performance. The event was entitled “Strands of Heroism,” a name that lent itself to many varied interpretations, all alluding to the heroism of our brethren in Medinat Yisrael and our own acts of heroism in supporting them.
Principal C.B. Neugroschl spoke of the chut ha’meshulash, the three-stranded rope referred to by Shlomo Hamelech in sefer Kohelet, as the unifying thread that keeps our nation together through the passing down of Torah from generation to generation. Similarly, we today as Jews in 2025, whether in Chutz La’Aretz or Eretz Yisrael, are fulfilling this mission of being a three-stranded rope, one that lo b’meherah yinatek, will not quickly unravel.
For Neugroschl the three-stranded rope represented by the evening begins with the indomitable courage of the female chayalot of the IDF, including 28 alumna of Ma’ayanot, who have or are currently bravely defending our nation in the face of its numerous surrounding foes. We pray for their protection and safety.
The second strand represents the emunah, incomparable belief of the returning hostages who maintained their faith that Hashem would rescue them from the bowels of the tunnels and from the inhumane treatment of the terrorists. Among them are the indomitable Agam Berger, who kept Shabbat and kashrut to the extent that it was possible through many, many months of dark captivity and who “braided” the hair of her fellow female hostages in a show of love and camaraderie as they were being released into the world, leaving her remaining in captivity.
The third strand is our standing up here at Ma’ayanot with the pledge of Hineni, I am here, to help where needed. We have proudly taken an active role in Bergen County’s outstanding efforts on behalf of the chayalim on the front, and now we are lending our support to the exceptional female chayalot who have left the security and safety of their homes in the U.S. and around the world to serve in many crucial capacities within the IDF. We are lending our support to Osey Chail, an organization that provides a “home” for chayalim and chayalot who come from Israeli Orthodox families but do not have a home to go to when they have time off from the army because they chose to join the IDF in defense of Medinat Yisrael.
Actively involved in the planning and execution of the program, Teaneck resident Nechama Pudell is the mother of three IDF chayalim who served bravely during the current war. She shared: “Throughout the war, I found myself referring to ‘our chayalim’ or ‘our boys,’ inadvertently excluding the many courageous women who serve, and I decided to do something specifically in support of the chayalot. I had recently learned about the organization Osey Chail, which had two apartments for female Israeli lone soldiers and I wanted to help raise funds specifically for them.”
Osey Chail was founded in 2016 by Rav Aharon Granot of Kiryat Arba. An exceptionally caring individual, Rav Granot became aware that there were young men from religious homes who had opted to serve in the IDF who were literally living on the streets while on leave from their service. They were no longer welcome to go to their family homes. Determined to correct this outrage, he set out to create “homes away from home” for these courageous chayalim.

Currently, Osey Chail oversees 22 apartments throughout Israel, beautifully decorated and comfortably furnished, providing for all possible needs, including fully stocked refrigerators and neighbors offering them home cooked meals and invitations. In addition, the chayalim are provided with clothing vouchers, preparation for life after the IDF through a professional mentorship program, and pre-academic tutoring. Five years ago, the organization realized they also needed to support religious female soldiers experiencing the same lack of family support and lodgings. To date there are two apartments for female soldiers located in Mazkeret Batya and Ganei Yochanan, each with adoptive families living nearby. These families host the soldiers for Shabbat and Yom Tov meals, celebrate important life cycle events such as birthdays and army ceremonies, and are there for constant support. Therapists and social workers are available to the young women in individual and group sessions, and personnel from Osey Chail check in with them regularly to lend them chizuk.
For Pudell, the three-tiered rope represented by the “Strands of Heroism” evening at Ma’ayanot were the following:
Strand No. 1 was the amazing Challah Bake, including 400 women reciting the Tefillah for hafrashat challah and several relevant Tehillim in the zechut of our indomitable chayalim and chayalot of the IDF.
Strand No. 2 was the spirited and inspirational musical presentation by Israeli-American violinist/performer Ariella Zeitlin, excerpted from her highly regarded show “1,000 Faces of a Hero.” Beyond the concert hall, Zeitlin has built a massive online following, with millions of listeners and followers across social media platforms. Through her music, storytelling and advocacy, she uses her voice to stand for Israel, combat misinformation, and inspire a global audience to connect with Jewish identity and heritage. Zeitlin, a true ambassador of inspiration, conveyed a key message to the enthusiastic student audience—to be their own hero and never listen to the negative voices that warn “you can’t.” Her three-pronged message was “I Am” because Hashem made me, “I Can” because Hashem gave me the ability, and “I Will” because Hashem gave me the determination.
Strand No. 3 is our declaration of “Hineni” by giving tzedaka in support of Osey Chail’s housing and services for female lone soldiers.
Ma’ayanot’s faculty and student body invite the community to partner with them in supporting the crucial services of Osey Chail to our indomitable chayalot who are serving in the defense of our nation.
Please consider sending a generous donation to www.jgive.com/new/en/usd/donation-targets/143804
To contact Ariella Zeitlin about future bookings, email: [email protected]