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October 17, 2024
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Ma’ayanot Students Excel in Prestigious YU Bekiut Competition

Numerous Ma’ayanot students—including students in Rabbi Zev Prince’s Bekiut elective and in Mrs. Dena Block’s senior Gemara Seminar class—learned the entire Masechet Makkot with Rashi and select Tosfot this year; in addition, junior Batsheva Leah Weinstein learned the entire Masechet with her father over the course of the school year.

That alone is an amazing accomplishment. Equally impressive is how well these students performed in the Yeshiva University Bronka Weintraub Bekiut Program: three of the top four winners in this competition were Ma’ayanot students. Neti Linzer won first place with a perfect score on all four exams; Rachel Koolyk won second place; and Batsheva Leah Weinstsein received an Honorable Mention as a fourth place winner.

All students made a siyyum on the entire masechet at the school’s student appreciation breakfast during the last week of school. Seniors Nina Miller and Chana Fisch delivered a d’var torah based on the Gemara, and competition winners Neti Linzer, Rachel Koolyk and Batsheva Leah Weinstein were messayem the masechet. All of the students then recited the hadran in unison.

In reflecting on his students’ accomplishments, Rabbi Prince proudly remarked, “one of our main goals is to create lifelong learners and students who are passionate about learning. That’s why the results of this competition are not surprising—it is simply a testament to the dedication and love of Torah learning that exists among Ma’ayanot students.”

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