March 10, 2025

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Maddi and Bob Friedbauer Fulfill Their Aliyah Dream

On September 12, the dream of a lifetime will be flying toward fulfillment when Maddi and Bob Friedbauer board their flight to Israel as new olim.

Their dream to live a life of meaning and contribution to the Jewish State began 18 years ago when they signed their contract to purchase the first apartment in the newly developed community of Nof Tzion. Located near the Promenade and Armon Hanatziv, and not far from the 1948 border and the U.N. Headquarters, Nof Tzion is adjacent to East Jerusalem and not far from hostile Arab enclaves. Yet only five to seven years after the developers—including Rami Levy, founder of the supermarket chain, and his partner from Australia—began building up the community, the apartments were instantly grabbed up by young families and older couples. Currently the community has 90 apartments, and another 200 are in the planning for the near future.

The Friedbauer apartment was initially rented out by the daughter of Rabbi Nachaman Kahana, rav of Chazon Yechezkel in the Old City. The mirpeset (porch) of their penthouse apartment offers a breathtaking view of some of Yerushalayim’s landmarks including Har Hazeitim, the Old City Walls, the Golden Dome of the Al Aqsa Mosque and the Kotel Plaza. This location fulfilled the Friedbauer dream of establishing a new community in Israel, of making a difference in the creation of the Jewish State.

The Friedbauers moved to the Teaneck/Bergenfield border in 1976. Bob is a CPA by profession, and Maddi held careers in teaching and real estate. They raised their two sons and two daughters in this area where they attended YNJ, Moriah, TABC and Bruriah. The love and support for Israel was a foundational value in the Friedbauer family as the children were growing up. When the tragic expulsions of Yamit and Gush Katif were perpetrated, the Friedbauers were at the front lines protesting the injustices. Throughout their years in Teaneck, they were staunch supporters of many Israel-based projects. Their dream has always been to spend their later years in Eretz Yisrael.

Son Shlomo made aliyah after college as a lone soldier well before the trend was popular. He now lives in Hashmonaim with his two sons. Daughter Reeni Pollack lives nearby in Hashmonaim with her husband and five sons. The families are looking forward to welcoming their parents and grandparents to Israel. Son Levi, father of three, will be sending his son Eliezer off to study in Yerushalayim for the year, during which he looks forward to spending special time with his grandparents.

Daughter Sari Friedbauer of Teaneck, mother of two, shared: “Since I was little, my dad always encouraged us to dream big and try to make the impossible possible. (He used to sing to us. “To dream the impossible dream…”) We are proud and excited for our parents to be making their dream and lifelong aspiration a reality. Our parents instilled in us so many positive Jewish values, had an open and welcoming home, constantly performed acts of chesed and of course conveyed to us a great love of Israel. Supporting and building a Jewish presence throughout every part of the land while standing up steadfastly to those who threaten these rights was a fundamental part of our upbringing.”

In addition to the support of children and grandchildren, the Friedbauers are receiving applause and encouragement from their longtime friends in Teaneck. On a daily basis, neighbors, friends and former clients stop by to chat with the Friedbauers about their great next step and wish them good health and much success in their adjustment. In return, the Friedbauers inspire their friends with the message that even at 70 and 75, lifelong dreams can be fulfilled.

Hatzlacha Rabba for a successful and healthy aliyah!

By Pearl Markovitz


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