We know that the last thing on your mind is elections, but we must continue to do our parts to ensure the vitality of our community both now and in the future. Our community’s success depends upon what each of us does between now and May 12.
Due to the ongoing pandemic, Governor Murphy changed the scheduled board of education election to a mail-in ballot only. This will make it incredibly easy to vote. You should have received, or will be receiving, a ballot arriving in an envelope. Ballots must be mailed back before May 12.
We are asking you to support and elect:
1A Christina Shratz
2A Arthur Soto
3A Horacio Ray Carrera
This will be the ninth straight year that the board of education has delivered a budget without any increases in taxes. Each of the candidates that we ask you to support remains committed to assessing the lowest taxes allowed by law.
For our community, the board of education has consistently supported quality services and programs for our students with special needs as well as millions of dollars in textbook and technology support for our yeshivot in Passaic. Our involvement in the board of education elections has had a tangible, positive impact. Everyone’s vote is critical and our community’s support is absolutely necessary to ensure that these candidates win.
In addition, please vote YES on the budget. The tax levy is the lowest allowed by law. Please fill out and mail in your vote in the return envelope upon receipt. Please do not wait.
Please call Craig Miller at 917-856-2406, with any questions regarding this election.
Thank you for your continued support.
NJ Assemblyman/Passaic City Council President Gary Schaer
Passaic Council Members Chaim Munk and Daniel Schwartz
Board of Education Commissioner Craig Miller