I congratulate Moshe Kinderlehrer and the entire staff of The Jewish Link on your 10th anniversary. I enjoy reading your newspaper every week. I am a real estate salesman with 50 experience in Fair Lawn and I work for Corrello Realty in Fair Lawn.
I have found your articles about the real estate industry to be very educational, informative, and knowledgeable. Thank you very much for all of the articles you publish about Israel, politics, Jewish religion, Jewish culture, insurance, businesses, entertainment, Iran, Ukraine, Europe, health care etc,.
Also, I appreciate the many articles about the Holocaust and I am grateful for all the efforts to make sure this does not happen again.
Your paper “The Jewish Link” has made an enormous contribution to many communities in New Jersey, New York, and Connecticut. Many congratulations on your anniversary and thank you for all of your hard work and best wishes for the future.
Claude BienstockFair Lawn