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September 26, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

MDS Launches Initiative In Early Childhood

This year, the MDS early childhood team launched Teacher-Child Interaction Training, a customized initiative that enhances students’ academic, social and attention skills similar to PCIT (Parent-Child Interaction Therapy), teachers receive training through workshops and in-class coaching with real-time feedback using an earpiece. This immediate feedback helps teachers tailor interactions to specific situations. In partnership with Dr. Alexandra Barnett of Milestones Psychology, MDS has piloted TCIT in three EC classes already, and Early Childhood Director Morah Ashley Finkel, along with school psychologists Morah Shira Kaizler-Martin and Dr. Pinny Feintuch, are working closely with Dr. Barnett to expand this program to the entire division. Parent workshops will be offered to compliment the work being done in school and support parents in utilizing these strategies at home.

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