The Blue Jays, got the game off to a solid start with a barrage of hits by Miriam Rubin, Atara Neiss, Sarena Weiderkehr and Amira Isenberg, putting them up 1-0.
In the bottom of the first, the bats of: Chaya Ross, Sarah Yager, Talya and Ilana Markowitz, Shoshana Distenfeld, and Tovah Wieskopf, were able to put the Marlins on top, and the never looked back. The innings that followed, showed tremendous defense play by both squads, and stellar pitching to keep each other at bay. The pitchers showed tremendous poise, notching a combined 18 strikeouts: Hannah Levine of the Blue Jays with 7 and Ilana Markowitz of the Marlins with 11.
The Marlins finished the game with a 6-1 victory and a ticket to the championship game against the A-1 Appliance Angels in the upcoming Senior Girls Division Championships. The Marlins are the only team to have beaten the Angels this year (doing it twice) and both teams are coming off solid semi-final wins.