March 11, 2025

Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

After hearing about the disastrous flooding in Louisiana in the news, I immediately wanted to go down there and help. After being part of the NJ NCSY-Ma’ayanot mission to Houston this past May, I had returned with a whole new appreciation and desire for chesed and tikkun olam. I had discovered that while the labor can sometimes be difficult to perform, however much work you put in you always get way more in return. When I saw the email inviting me to join NCSY on an emergency relief mission to Baton Rouge, I knew this was an opportunity I would not be able to pass up. I left on this trip hoping for another eye-opening, empowering, unforgettable and highly rewarding mission, and that is exactly what I got.

As we were driving to our worksite on our first day, we were all transfixed looking out the windows. Each and every house we drove by had piles and piles of drywall, furniture, clothing, family pictures and everything else they owned on their front lawn. Each destroyed home we saw was yet another family who was now displaced, with no home or belongings. Realizing this really forces us to appreciate exactly how lucky we each are to have a house to go back to. When we arrived at the home we would be working on, we spoke with the owner, an elderly woman. When we asked where she was staying until her house was rebuilt, she answered that she would be sleeping outside, without mentioning the fact that it was about 100 degrees and extremely humid. Despite everything, she was extremely grateful for us coming, and she blessed and thanked us many times. Talking with this woman really taught me that through all times, whether good, bad, hard or easy, it is important to always be both positive and thankful. If this woman could be optimistic when her house and all of her possession were in ruins, I know I always can, no matter what situation I may be in.

I also learned that it is important to always be grateful and appreciative of the good times in life, especially the ones I was experiencing right then in Louisiana. I realized how blessed I was not only to have food to eat and a place to stay, but blessed to have this unique, one-of-a-kind opportunity from NCSY to come down and volunteer.

In addition to being eye-opening, this experience was empowering on multiple levels. This mission showed me that if we worked hard enough we could accomplish anything. In the span of just three days, we did more strenuous work than I ever thought I could have done in a month. We were motivated to accomplish so much because we understood that we were representing all Orthodox Jewish teenagers. Most of the people we met there had never met an Orthodox Jew before, so our actions and behavior were their first and lasting impression of Orthodox Judaism, making it important that we make it a positive one. As Rabbi Katz told us from the beginning, we were there as representatives for Israel, the number-one worldwide responder to disaster. This gave the trip a whole new level of purpose, inspiring us to put in even more effort as to show everybody we met that helping those in need is an important Jewish value and we were only here to do what we found to be necessary as ambassadors of our homeland, Israel. When we received so much gratitude and praise, I was so proud of myself for accomplishing this—not only for me, but also for Israel and Jews worldwide. Knowing that we were successful and that we left a good mark, I recognized that with the right motivation I really could accomplish anything and that I have what it takes to really be a leader.

Somebody might ask me why I would want to give up my last week of vacation in order to go do grueling work in the hot, Louisiana weather. The answer I would give them is that no matter how exhausting and demanding the work may have been, the reward and satisfaction I got was much, much greater, in addition to incredible new friendships and long-lasting memories I made. The NCSY staff and the girls who joined me on this adventure were some of the most amazing people I have ever met, and together we enjoyed and appreciated every moment we shared. My gratitude to NJ NCSY for providing me with this opportunity is beyond words, and I can only hope that I will once again be able to join them on another life-changing mission.

By Malka Feldman


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