Throughout the week, early childhood students learned about Parshat Noach. On Thursday, they experienced Noach and his animals by visiting the MDS Petting Zoo in their very own yard! It was a meaningful way to connect Torah, learning, science and fun. Each class spent time feeding and petting the animals, and listening to the caregivers teach them about animal care. The bravest among the students held the food in their hands and got up close to the sheep, goats, cows and rabbits. The more timid children took in the sight of the mini farm at MDS and took home memories of what they saw. All the children enjoyed riding their favorite pony right on 75th Street, in front of MDS. Sincerest thanks to the Parents Council for sponsoring this memorable early childhood event and for honoring the memory of Mira Banin, a”h, long time MDS faculty member, who dedicated her life and career to educating young children.