My Hebrew teacher Morah Adina is an extraordinary fourth-grade teacher and the best teacher that I could ever have. Morah Adina doesn’t just help me learn new things, but she makes learning fun. Whenever I have a test she makes sure that I am super prepared so that I can get a great score. In my classroom everyone is on a different level of learning, but somehow she is able to teach everyone on their level. Sadly, Morah Adina is only in school four days a week, but she does what some people can’t even do in five days. When I was in third grade all I would hear from the fourth graders is “Morah Adina is the best teacher, she gives you so many extra points on your chumash tests!” When I walked into Morah Adina’s classroom I knew that she was the perfect teacher for me. At our onegs Morah Adina is always up on her feet and having a great time with us. I wish that Morah Adina could be my teacher next year. I will miss her so much. Thank you Morah Adina, it is so fun to be your student!