Moriah eighth grade had two great end of the year trips. They visited Philadelphia on Wednesday of last week and had a chance to explore the Franklin Institute. Climbing through a giant brain, seeing a live dissection of a sheep’s heart and testing feats of strength in the science of sports section were favorites there. They also had an opportunity to visit and learn about the history of Mikvah Israel, the oldest shul in Philadelphia. This was highlighted by a view of the Aron Kodesh which featured Torahs dating back to colonial days. Just before arriving at the shul the students were addressed by a time-travelling Benjamin Franklin who bore a striking resemblance to Moriah’s Head of School Rabbi Alter. The day was capped off with a 15-person pedicycle ride through historic Philadelphia. On Thursday the activities continued with a trip to Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty. Against a backdrop of beautiful views of the NYC skyline, students explored their Jewish and American roots and heritage. Fun was had by all!