Tu B’Shevat, the Jewish new year for trees, is a time of rebirth and blessings, making it fitting that in the same week, the middle school also celebrated Sharsheret’s Pink Day to raise breast cancer awareness. Thanks to shlichot Talya and Hadar, each safah class learned about Tu B’Shevat and participated in a traditional seder where students enjoyed dried fruits, nuts and other treats. For each of these foods, the students recited the bracha meant to restore the Tree of Life.
On Wednesday, students also celebrated Sharsheret’s Pink Day by dressing in pink and purchasing pink goodies with all proceeds going to breast cancer fundraising. May the brachot said during the seder and on the pink treats be an aliyat ha’neshamot of those lost to breast cancer and in merit of a refuah shelaima to those battling it.