Ever since beginning to learn the Ani Tefillah curriculum, Moriah fifth grade students have been fascinated by the animated video lessons, which bring to life the complex meaning and philosophy behind tefillah. Throughout the 14 lessons, students practiced the “stop, think, and feel” method of preparing to daven, memorized the “kavanah code” and revealed some of the secret messages that are embedded in the letters which make up the words of the tefillot. As a special Chanukah surprise, the children were treated to a virtual visit from Morah Tamar Nussbaum, creator of the Ani Tefillah curriculum. During each class’ Zoom session, students had the opportunity to ask questions and were also given a sneak peek at some of Morah Nussbaum’s new videos and projects which have yet to be released. The teachers are so proud of the growth that the students have exhibited as a result of this program and look forward to continuing to build upon its momentum.