September 8, 2024
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September 8, 2024
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Moriah Hosts Challah Bake

Thursday night The Moriah School hosted a community wide challah bake in the merit of a refuah sheleima for beloved teacher, Morah Chaya Devorah, or more lovingly known amongst her students as MCD. The room was packed to capacity with parents, students and faculty—both past and present—to show love and support for MCD. Morah Adina Lederer shared divrei Torah connecting this event to the miracles of the upcoming holiday of Purim. Fifth graders Kira Segal and Julia Sussman described the mitzvah of hafrashat challah. Tehillim was recited, and all were inspired to use this eit ratzon to ask Hashem for a full recovery for MCD. Challah braiding and shaping, along with a variety of toppings became a fun pre-Shabbos event and delicious challah was enjoyed by all.

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