September 8, 2024
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September 8, 2024
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Moriah Middle School Sends Rosh Hashanah Greeting Cards to Chayalim

Morah Nini’s middle school students composed beautifully adorned Rosh Hashanah greeting cards for the soldiers of the Nahal Haredi Battalion, also known as Netzah Yehuda. The Nahal Haredi unit facilitates army service for individuals from Haredi backgrounds and makes it possible for them to serve in the IDF in a halachically observant atmosphere. Morah Nini shared the Nahal Haredi brochure with her students so that they would gain a greater appreciation of what they were doing and understand the backgrounds of the soldiers they were communicating with. The cards were expressions of gratitude for their service to Medinat Yisrael and Am Yisrael while wishing them a good year ahead, good health and, primarily, peace and security.

The students emailed their greetings and received a wonderful letter of thanks and recognition from the president of Amutat Netzah Yehuda, Rabbi Tzvi Klebanow. The students were very excited to hear from Rabbi Klebanow and were amazed at the extent of his gratitude for their small gesture of support.

“I would like to give you a heartfelt genuine yashar koach for the meaningful letters sent to our soldiers from your precious seventh grade neshomalach. Many people think that it’s just a nice educational exercise but in truth it is so much more. It gives a heartwarming message to a soldier that another Jew is thinking about them and ‘appreciates what they are doing.’ It’s really big. Thank you for the initiative.”

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