September 8, 2024
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September 8, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

Moriah Winter Mural Shows Adaptation, Hibernation, Migration

As winter is upon us, and Moriah’s kindergarten began studying various aspects of this cold season, the children saw a common theme throughout, in terms of functioning with the cold weather: Hashem gave all creatures the means to protect themselves from the frigid temperatures. The students realized that people adapt, some animals hibernate and some animals migrate. They were particularly intrigued to learn about the variety of wildlife that hibernate, including bears, some types of insects, some small mammals, and some reptiles among others. Furthermore, the classes discussed the migration behaviors of birds, green turtles, salmon and some butterfly varieties. The children created a mural out of various collage materials, depicting all three of these winter survival practices. The results were amazing!

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