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October 18, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

MTA BMK Talmidim Enjoy Outdoor Mesibah

MTA offers seniors a unique opportunity for college-level, intensive beit midrash learning through the Julius Wrubel Beis Medrash Katan (BMK) program. These talmidim are exposed to the very best of the traditional “yeshiva atmosphere” and study at a level not often made available to high school talmidim. Seniors in the BMK learn in the YU beit midrash, where they spend most of their morning be-chevruta preparing for shiur under the close guidance of Rabbi Tanchum Cohen. Rabbi Cohen delivers his advanced level shiur following the morning iyun seder, much like at YU and at leading yeshivot in Eretz Yisrael. In addition to this unparalleled learning experience, Rabbi Cohen fosters a warm environment for his talmidim outside the classroom through exciting shiur activities, including shabbatonim, melave malkas, kumzitzes with live music, mesibot and more. Rabbi and Rebbitzen Cohen open their home for many of these events throughout the year and talmidim enjoy spending time with the entire Cohen family. This year, due to social distancing guidelines, Rabbi Cohen came up with creative ways to continue hosting these events in a safe manner. On Wednesday, December 23, BMK talmidim had an amazing time at their mesibah, which was held in an outdoor tent in Riverdale. The event featured a musical performance by Rabbi Cohen on his guitar with talmidim joining in on percussion instruments, lots of divrei Torah, dinner from Carlos & Gabby’s and individual containers of Rebbitzen Cohen’s famous chocolate chip cookies for each talmid. The event concluded with a special visit from Rav Mordechai Willig. Talmidim were excited to join together for this unique opportunity and look forward to their next event!

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