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September 19, 2024
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MTA Celebrates YU Honors Early Decision Awardees

Congratulations to Moshe Anapolle, Elie Beer, Eli Dyckman, Yaakov Erdfarb, Naftali Frankel, Yitzy Rosenbluth and Avichai Tarshish (not pictured), who were admitted to Yeshiva University Honors under its Early Decision program. Each of them were awarded a $25,000 scholarship to YU. Some will be enrolling in the Jay and Jeanie Schottenstein Honors Program at Yeshiva College, the others in the Business Honors and Entrepreneurial Leadership Program at the Sy Syms School of Business.

MTA is extremely proud of these excellent students and wish them tremendous hatzlacha as they continue their learning in Torah U’Madda at YU!

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