Talmidim from across the tri-state area, the country and the world, call the MTA dorm home during the school year and enjoy the warmth of the yeshiva’s dorm community. From shabbatons to Sunday afternoon trips, weekly family-style dinners and inspiring shiurim and chaburahs, there is a variety of meaningful programming for dorm talmidim. Last week, dorm talmidim celebrated the birthdays of sophomores Yaakov Weinstock and Noam Ben Simon, who both hail from Florida, at the home of the av and eim bayit, Avi and Abby Borgen. Talmidim also heard a shiur from Yeshiva University Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Aharon Kahn. MTA offers the opportunity for qualified seniors to spend two to three nights per week in the dorm, where they participate in additional limud Torah programming and learn b’chevrutah with freshmen who dorm. With a strong team of devoted and talented dorm supervisors and resident advisors, and the warmth and support of an av and eim bayit, the MTA dorm is a wonderful and caring community and home away from home for talmidim.