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MTA Hosts Grand Siyum to Celebrate Completion of Masechta by over 170 Students

New York City— The annual end-of-the-year Grand Siyum, celebrating the completion of a masechta by over 170 students was celebrated at  Yeshiva University High School for Boys (MTA) on Thursday evening, May 30th.  The siyum, which took place in Furst Hall, brought together students, parents, grandparents, and faculty for a celebration of the tremendous accomplishment.

Rabbi Michael Taubes, Rosh Yeshiva and Head of School (a Teaneck resident), thanked all the students and rebbeim who participated in completing a mesechta, and explained why a festive meal is the appropriate way to celebrate. He then called up RIETS Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Mordechai Willig, who delivered a brief dvar Torah, inspiring everyone to set aside time for Torah quantitatively, qualitatively, as the central component of one’s value system.

MaggidShiur Rabbi Netanel Danto was then called up to announce the students who would be making the siyum. Hillel Fuld (’14) said a dvar Torah on Maseches Tamid and Ilan Steinmentz (’15) made the siyum; Meir Finkelstein (’13) finished up the end of Bava Metzia and Menecham Mermelstein (’13) made that siyum; finally, AviGruen (’15) finished up Rosh Hashana and Ari Mandelbaum (’14) made that siyum. The siyumim were completed with Nachi Penn (’13) saying the Kaddish.

All guests then made their way to the dance floor for ruach-filled dancing to some beautiful music. After the dancing, everyone enjoyed a delicious buffet dinner provided by Carlos and Gabby’s. As people finished eating, divrei Torah were shared by Yitzi Lindenbaum (’14) and Rabbi Julius Berman, longtime Chairman of the Board at RIETS, a prominent leader of many Jewish organizations, and grandfather of two current MTA students.

Following dinner, the students who participated in learning a mesechta for the siyum received a translation of a sefer written by the Chofetz Chaim called “Loving Kindness.” Each rebbi presented the sefer to each of histalmidim, with a personalized inscription on the inside cover. The siyum concluded with benching and maariv.

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