September 8, 2024
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September 8, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

MTA’s Thriving Dorm Community Is Home Away From Home

The MTA dorm officially opened on Sunday, August 29, and talmidim couldn’t wait to move into their new home away from home! MTA’s dorm program includes weekly dorm dinners, dorm night seder, exclusive programming, Friday morning breakfast and chaburot, regular shabbatonim, trips and more. The yeshiva also offers the opportunity for seniors to spend two to three nights per week in the dorm, where they participate in additional limmud Torah programming and learn b’chevrusah with freshmen who dorm. “We have worked hard to enhance the dorm experience to ensure the happiness, growth, and success of our talmidim while living on campus,” shared Dean of Student Life Rabbi Danny Konigsberg. “Our dorm isn’t just a place to sleep, it’s a true community with plenty of opportunities to learn, bond, and grow. We have more than 40 talmidim in the dorm this year. Some are here from out of state and even out of the country, and others live in the tri-state area but choose to dorm so they can maximize their MTA experience. It’s incredible to watch how these talmidim, who are all in different grades and come from different cities, bond together as a group and truly become a family.”

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