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October 18, 2024
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MTA Sophomore Talmidim Experience Amazing Shiur Shabbaton

AT MTA, every shiur has their own shiur shabbaton, which provides both talmidim and rebbeim with the unique opportunity to strengthen relationships outside the beit midrash. Recently, talmidim in Rabbi Kerner’s sophomore shiur experienced a fun-filled and inspiring shabbaton. Talmidim met up on Friday afternoon for pre-Shabbat football and soccer games. Afterwards, everyone went to their host homes to settle in for Shabbat. Talmidim reunited that evening at shul to daven, then went to Rabbi Kerner’s house for a delicious dinner followed by a late tisch with lots of zemirot. Talmidim delivered meaningful Divrei Torah and heard from guest speaker Dr. Yitzchak Schechter. Shabbat day was highlighted by davening and laining, all led by talmidim. The ruach continued to build throughout Shabbat, leading up to a Carlebach-style Havdala sung by Rabbi Kerner who was accompanied by his son-in-law on the guitar. After Shabbat, everyone boarded buses and went to cheer on the MTA JV basketball Lions as they took on the SAR Sting. The shabbaton was truly an amazing opportunity for achdut, as talmidim enjoyed bonding with one another and with Rabbi Kerner.

 By Yoni Wilks (MTA Class of 2020)


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