It was truly a moment of nachas for the MTA community when 12th grader, Akiva Mensh, was honored at the Congregation Beth Aaron dinner this past Sunday night.
Akiva is widely known as someone who genuinely cares about the Jewish community and puts that care into action. At MTA, he has been deeply involved in the Scholarship Campaigns throughout his four years and, last year, founded the highly successful Business is Booming Club. This club brings in accomplished entrepreneurs to speak to students about the keys to success in the business world.
Each summer, Akiva dedicates his time to helping local schools and shuls with various improvement projects. However, the chesed he invests the most time in is the work he does for his shul, Beth Aaron. Since MTA does not have yeshiva on Fridays, Akiva spends his Fridays working in the shul office, assisting with the many tasks that arise on a typically busy Erev Shabbat. Additionally, he has served as a youth leader and an assistant gabbai for the past couple of years.
Akiva is truly a baal chesed and a role model for his fellow talmidim.