(Courtesy of MTA) The MTA wrestling team was excited to participate in the Wittenberg Wrestling Invitational, which began on Friday, February 14. Most teams entered the competition with approximately 20 wrestlers, whereas MTA had only 11 team members. What the MTA team lacked in numbers, they made up for in strength. The team kicked off the competition with Friday morning Shacharit, followed by Gemara learning, led by Moshe Khaloo, then went on to begin their matches. The team won some and lost some and by the end of the day, they found themselves in second place, but the main event was yet to come. The team returned to MTA for a team-building shabbaton with their coach, Eli Amsellem, and geared up for a big day on Sunday. After a hard day of wrestling, the MTA team finished the event in third place, with seven members placing in the following categories: Benjy Dier won fourth place at 120 lbs., Nathan Samuel won fourth place at 132 lbs., Shmuel Dorwitt won third place at 138 lbs., Yehuda Silberfarb won third place at 152 lbs., Khaloo won fifth place at 160 lbs., Binyamin Fuld won fourth place at 195 lbs. and Shmuel Levy won fourth place at heavyweight.