February 22, 2025

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New Dirshu Program for Bachurei Yeshivos Starting This Rosh Chodesh Av

We are living in unprecedented times! Since Purim, many of our holy yeshivos have not been functioning regularly. Although, baruch Hashem, in some places throughout America there has been great improvement, there are still so many bachurim who are not in their regular misgeres, framework, of a yeshiva. In Eretz Yisrael and Europe things are even less stable.

So many camps are closed or running on a limited basis. Thus, our most precious treasures, our bachurei yeshivos, upon whose learning the world stands, especially those who do not have a framework of a regular yeshiva or camp, are having a much more difficult time structuring their day in ways that are optimum for their ruchniyus. Rebbeim and roshei yeshiva have expressed their feeling that for many bachurim, the present matzav is a crisis situation.

As bein hazmanim was approaching, several gedolei roshei yeshiva expressed their concern for the welfare of the continued shteiging of the wonderful bnei yeshivos. They felt the need to create some kind of framework to offer bachurim the structure so necessary for continued growth in learning and protection from the various nisyonos that characterize our times.

Prominent among these roshei yeshiva was HaGaon HaRav Boruch Dov Diskin, shlita, rosh yeshiva at Yeshiva Orchos Torah, the yeshiva established by HaGaon HaRav Aharon Leib Shteinman, zt”l.

Rav Boruch Dov approached the hanhala of Dirshu in Eretz Yisrael and begged them to create a special learning program that would start with the advent of the upcoming bein hazmanim that starts on Rosh Chodesh Av. The program would include tests and generous stipends, thereby encouraging a framework for spiritual growth during this difficult time period.

In addition, Rav Diskin went to the senior rosh yeshiva of our time in Eretz Yisrael, HaGaon HaRav Gershon Edelstein, shlita, rosh yeshiva of the Ponevezh Yeshiva, to ask for his advice and bracha. Not only did Rav Gershon enthusiastically endorse the idea, but he also signed a letter encouraging bachurim the world over to join.

Numerous other gedolei Eretz Yisrael who were approached were similarly deeply pleased, and encouraged Dirshu to undertake the program and called on all bachurei yeshivos to join the program.

In addition to Rav Gershon, those who signed the special kol korei included the Sar HaTorah, HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky, shlita, Chacham Shalom Cohen, shlita, Rosh Yeshiva, Yeshivat Porat Yosef, the Vizhnitzer Rebbe, shlita, the Sanzer Rebbe, shlita, and HaGaon HaRav Shimon Baadani, shlita, Rosh Yeshiva, Yeshiva Torah V’Chaim.

In America, too, HaGaon HaRav Yeruchem Olshin, shlita, Rosh Yeshiva, Beth Medrash Govoha of Lakewood, penned a special letter praising the program. HaGaon HaRav Elya Ber Wachtfogel, shlita, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Zichron Moshe, South Fallsburg and HaGaon HaRav Aryeh Malkiel Kotler, shlita, Rosh Yeshiva of Beth Medrash Govoha of Lakewood, endorsed the program as well.

In his letter, Rav Olshin addresses the bnei yeshivos directly. He writes, “We have undergone a period of great difficulty and travail. Especially the gezeirah of the closing of our batei midrash and yeshivos in a way that makes the heart tremble.” The rosh yeshiva acknowledges that with chasdei Hashem, things have recently gotten better, “but the yeshuah is not yet a complete one, and we need much chizuk…

“Now, as bein hazmanim—a time that always needs chizuk and especially this year—approaches,” the rosh yeshiva added, “It is incumbent on all bnei Torah to strengthen themselves with all of their might, especially in light of the rifyon that we have just sustained.

“How important, therefore,” Rav Olshin writes, “is the amazing work of the Dirshu organization that has designed a specific, detailed learning program starting on Rosh Chodesh Av wherein bachurim will be able to strengthen themselves in learning Torah and mussar with yegiah, according to a specific schedule…”

The program, titled “Bezchus HaTorah Yinatzel Haolam,” or “The Bezchus haTorah” program for short, will focus on learning Perek Keitzad Mevarchin, the sixth perek of Masechta Brachos, which is a very practical, geshmake limud.

Every weekday, the participants will learn one amud of Gemara with Rashi and Tosafos while Friday and Shabbos will be consecrated for chazarah. Thus, two and a half blatt will be learned every week and all 10 blatt of the entire perek will be learned between Rosh Chodesh Av and Rosh Chodesh Elul.

Another component of the program will be daily mussar learning with Dirshu’s Kinyan Chochma program. The limud will be the fifth perek of Pirkei Avos with the commentary of Rabbeinu Yonah and the sixth perek with the commentary of Rashi.

There will be a test on Wednesday, 29 Av/August 19, and Dirshu will be giving a very substantial stipend for excellent results.

The program is open to all mesivta and beis midrash bachurim. To join or get more information, bachurim can call Dirshu at 888-5-Dirshu.

In addition, Dirshu will be making shiurim available on the phone from gedolei marbitzei Torah and roshei yeshiva on the perek. There will be shiurim in pshat on the blatt with Tosafos, as well as iyun shiurim. The tests will only be on the Gemara, Rashi, Tosafos and mussar, but the shiurim will be available as extra aids for learning.

In the letter to bachurei yeshivos the world over, the gedolei roshei yeshiva and Admorim of Eretz Yisrael write, “We call on our beloved bnei yeshiva to strengthen themselves in Torah learning and constant review. The Dirshu organization should be praised for establishing a special program starting on Rosh Chodesh Av for bnei yeshivos who need great chizuk to continue toiling in Torah.

“Learning, especially at this time, a time of difficulty for klal Yisrael, has a special quality…

“May we all merit that in the zechus of Torah and those who learn Torah, the entire world will be saved and may we merit the salvation of Hashem in the blink of an eye.”

Indeed, Rav Diskin related, “I see this carefully planned and constructed program by Dirshu as a great yeshuah for our bachurei yeshivos. Every bachur wants to shteig, no bachur wants to have a yeridah, especially now during this difficult period for klal Yisrael, but the lack of a framework and the fact that so many of our bachurim are not in a structured environment means that a program such as this can be both a tremendous way to grow in Torah while serving as a profound yeshuah for bachurim.”

Dirshu’s hanhala member Rabbi Avidgor Bernstein, adds, “I am certain the very geshmake limud and the fact that so many bachurim all over the world, whether it is Eretz Yisrael, America, France or England, are joining and learning the same thing, will bring a great yeshuah and make for a wonderful achdus through Torah. That itself is a wonderful thing.”

Indeed, we are living in unprecedented times, and it is only in the zechus haTorah that the world will be saved. That zechus rests in the hands of our wonderful bachurei yeshivos!

To join or for more information please contact Dirshu at 888-5-Dirshu.

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