February 10, 2025

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Nuclear Issue More Likely to Breach Wall Of Mistrust Between U.S. & Iran

Once again, Iran and the United States find themselves thrust into the heart of a Mid­dle East crisis. As the Sunni ISIS militia rampag­es across Iraq, consolidating its hold on a large area of territory and threatening oil supplies, the two erstwhile adversaries are making posi­tive noises about each other to the extent that many analysts believe that a rapprochement is in the offing.

But the reality of this thaw is a little differ­ent and bears explanation. After decades of an­imosity and mutual recrimination, punctuated by occasional false starts to tentative attempts to mend fences, Tehran and Washington start­ed to talk to each other in earnest following the election of Hassan Rouhani to the Iranian presidency, who won on the strength of his pledge to relieve the nation of the increasing­ly unsustainable burden of international sanc­tions.

Now, after meeting in New York, Gene­va and Vienna and making painstaking but concrete progress in the tortuous negotia­tions over Iran’s nuclear programme, the two states have another pressing reason to shed the costly antagonism of the past three decades. The advance of the Sunni militant insurgency in Iraq and the extent to which the lightning conquests of Mosul, Tikrit and other major Iraqi cities laid bare the inadequacy of the country’s national army, have prompted the Obama admin­istration and the Rouhani government to cautiously voice the possibility of co-oper­ating to prevent the fall of Baghdad and the Shia heartlands.

As announced by the State Department, the United States is now ready to include Iraq on the agenda of the steady stream of communications and meetings between Tehran and Washington.

Diplomatic overtures

The prospect of security co-operation between Iran and the United States pre­sents considerable challenges. Both Ba­rack Obama and Rouhani face significant domestic opposition to the notion of dia­logue with the old foe.

The Iranian president revealed, in an in­terview in April 2012, that the then-IAEA di­rector general Mohammad El-Baradei visit­ed Tehran in March 2004 and put to him – in his capacity then as chair of Iran’s Su­preme National Security Council – an unu­sual proposal by then president, George W Bush, who had previously described Iran as part of an Axis of Evil but had decided to put all outstanding issues on the table for discussion.

Rouhani’s eagerness to pursue this op­tion was thwarted by the reaction of higher ranking officials, who did not find it “expe­dient” to negotiate with the United States at the time. Further cautious overtures by Barack Obama failed to gain significant traction early in 2009.

Since his election in September 2013, Rouhani appears to have overcome at least some of the resistance to the development of relations with the US, but still faces a bar­rage of contrarian voices, particularly from the hardline factions which control Iran’s parliament and from hawkish elements of the media, such as the Keyhan daily, which has long railed against the Geneva accords and the ongoing attempts at détente with the “Great Satan.”

Not to mention more moderate forc­es on Iran’s political spectrum who press for Rouhani to obtain full recognition, by the West, of Iran’s nuclear rights and prom­inent regional role and standing. On pa­per, co-operation on Iraq appears to be less problematic than the intricacies of reach­ing a comprehensive nuclear agreement. A report published by the Iranian Parlia­ment’s Research Centre in the past few days noted that Isis is “far more radical” than Al-Qaeda with regards to Shi’as and the Islamic Republic, as proven by its lead­er Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s rebukes of the Al- Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri’s stance towards Iran, and recommended that Teh­ran should engage in cooperation with oth­er “major regional players”, including the United States, in order to block and repel the advance of the militant Sunni organiza­tion and restore security in Iraq.

Stumbling blocks

This is not the first time that the two enemies have met over Iraq. Both coun­tries’ ambassadors to Baghdad met directly in 2006, when Iraq was in the grip of multi­ple insurgencies. Iran has strong influence with Shia militias, both Iraqi and transna­tional, which have been already active in Lebanon and Iraq in recent years. These could provide a valuable land-based bul­wark against ISIS which could usefully be complemented by US air support.

But this is not without its problems. Any strategic understanding with Iran would mean that the United States would have to come to terms with Qasem Soleim­ani, the famed eminence grise of Iranian regional policy. Soleimani is commander of the overseas branch of the Revolution­ary Guards Corps and is rumored to have visited Baghdad in June to co-ordinate the defense of the Shia heartlands, starting with the shrines of Samarra, which are un­der the direct threat of Isis attacks. He has regularly been accused of knowing about attacks on US troops in Iraq by militants and working with him could prove diffi­cult to for Washington to stomach.

As well as the practical difficulty of working with Soleimani, the two sides seem to be diverging in the political sphere as well. Embattled Iraqi prime min­ister, Nouri al-Maliki, has revealed (by re­fusing to comply) that Washington re­quested his resignation as a condition of air strikes against ISIS. Meanwhile, Iran ap­pears to be wary of dropping its support for a dependable ally who – it appears at least – has the legitimacy of a recent elec­tion victory.

These factors, among others, may be behind remarks by the US secretary of state, John Kerry, implying that it may be best to restrict co-operation on Iraq with the Islamic Republic to the realm of the exchange of information rather than plan joint action.

Nuclear resolution

We may be getting it the wrong way round when we imagine that the crisis in Iraq will occasion a thaw in relations be­tween Tehran and Washington. In the nu­clear talks, despite a multitude of divergenc­es, both sides have started to contribute to the initial drafts of the comprehensive nu­clear agreement which the 5+1and Iran are seeking to reach by the end of July. This is where the real action is. But a resolution of the nuclear issue, where negotiations are also at a far more advanced stage than the contacts on Iraq, could have the beneficial side effect of engendering a deeper collab­oration on Iraq, particularly if ISIS main­tains the thrust of its offensive in the com­ing weeks.

The gravity of the situation in Iraq is not likely, however, to singlehandedly pierce the still considerable wall of mistrust, an­imosity and antagonism which has been erected by the past three decades of crisis in the relations between the two countries.

DISCLOSURE STATEMENT: Siavush Randjbar-Daemi does not work for, consult to, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organisation that would benefit from this article, and has no rele­vant affiliations. The Conversation is fund­ed by the following universities: Aberdeen, Birmingham, Bradford, Bristol, Cardiff, City, Durham, Glasgow Caledonian, Gold­smiths, Lancaster, Leeds, Liverpool, Not­tingham, The Open University, Queen’s University Belfast, Salford, Sheffield, Sur­rey, UCL and Warwick. It also receives fund­ing from: Hefce, Hefcw, SAGE, SFC, RCUK, The Nuffield Foundation, The Wellcome Trust, Esmée Fairbairn Foundation and The Alliance for Useful Evidence

Siavush Randjbar-Daemi is a lecturer in the Contempo­rary Middle East and Iran at University of Manchester

By Siavush Randjbar-Daemi/theconversation.com

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