I thank the editors of the Jewish Link for printing, “Israel Estate Expos Will Thrive Better Online,” (February 20, 2025) by Chaim Yehudah Meyer. It brought to our attention that there are those within our community who would want us to grovel before those who despise us, in order to feel more comfortable and not upset them in expressing our legal desires. He would have us discontinue meetings where individuals can get information concerning housing in Israel and personally speak with representatives. Mr. Meyer feels that we should not attend expos where physical contact and exchanges can take place. According to him, we should cancel them because of “the threats to public safety, traffic problems,” and the related actions of anti-Israel and antisemitic agitators. To follow his thinking, we are relegating ourselves to second class citizenship and dhimmi status.
I can’t comprehend why he and others don’t understand, “why Israel real estate expos in our neighborhoods engender such violent reactions from outside communities.” In my view it is very easy to explain and understand, there are those who hate the thought of a strong Israel and many want the elimination of the state altogether, it is in their ideology. To them, any actions that strengthen Israel are anathema.
If lives, property or social order may be endangered, it is incumbent and the responsibility of the local authorities to take actions to set legal limits on what can take place and ensure that the proper personnel are in place to enforce them. No in-person events should be cancelled or discontinued to thwart the actions of those against us; online substitutions are not a viable alternative.