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September 7, 2024
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Post-Shavuot Summer Wellness Guide

As Shavuot comes to an end, many of us find ourselves reflecting on the past days of celebration, indulgence and togetherness. While these moments are cherished, the aftermath often leaves us feeling sluggish and out of sync with our health goals. With summer upon us, there is a unique window of opportunity to refocus on our well-being and develop habits that will sustain us in the long term. This period is perfect for establishing foundational health and fitness routines.

One inspiring story comes from Avi, a member of Fit Yid Academy who decided to take charge of his health after last year’s holidays. Like many, Avi enjoyed the festive season but realized the toll it took on his body and mind. Determined to make a change, he approached the post-holiday months as a chance to build lasting habits and mindsets that would support his overall well-being. Here are some of the core habits and mindsets Avi adopted, which can serve as a guide for anyone looking to embark on a similar journey.


Core Habits for Lasting Health:

Drinking Water First Thing in the Morning: Avi started his days with a glass of water, a simple yet powerful habit. Rehydration upon waking kickstarts the metabolism, aids in digestion, and helps flush out toxins. This small change had a big impact on his energy levels and overall health.

Daily Movement: Whether it was a brisk walk, a mobility session or a gym/home workout, Avi made sure to incorporate some form of physical activity into his daily routine. Consistent movement not only improved his fitness but also boosted his mood and mental clarity.

Prioritizing Protein in Meals: Understanding the importance of nutrition, Avi focused on including a supportive protein source in each meal. This helped him feel satiated longer, maintain muscle mass, and stabilize his blood sugar levels. Meals rich in protein, such as eggs, chicken, meat and fish, became staples in his nutrition.


Empowering Mindsets for Success:

Develop a Growth Mindset: Avi embraced the idea that health is a journey, not a destination. He understood that setbacks were part of the process and used them as learning opportunities rather than reasons to give up. This growth mindset kept him resilient.

Celebrate Small and Big Wins Often: Recognizing progress, no matter how small, was crucial for Avi. Celebrating achievements, whether it was completing a workout or making a supportive decision on his nutrition, helped him be in a growth mindset. These celebrations reinforced his commitment to his health goals.

Develop Your Self-Trust: Building self-trust was a game-changer for Avi. By setting realistic goals and consistently meeting them, he strengthened his confidence in his ability to make supportive decisions. This self-trust became the foundation for his continued success.

Avi’s story is a testament to the power of small, consistent changes and a positive mindset. As we transition into summer, let’s take this opportunity to invest in our health. By adopting these simple habits and mindsets, we can create a strong foundation for a healthier, happier life.

Remember, the journey to better health doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Start with a glass of water in the morning, move a little every day, and focus on nourishing your body with wholesome foods. Embrace a growth mindset, celebrate your progress, and trust yourself to make the right choices. Here’s to health, wellness and vitality!

Chaim Loeb is an online health and fitness coach. He coaches driven Jewish men to become wildly confident and prioritize their health and fitness sustainably … without it taking up all their time.

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