(Courtesy of PTI) Yeshiva Ner Baruch-Passaic Torah Institute Young Professionals held an inspiring shabbaton and Chanukah bash. Latkes, doughnuts, sushi, music, ruach and guest speaker Rabbi Yitz Greenman, former executive director of Aish Worldwide. The shabbaton included delicious meals at the home of Rabbi Bodenheim and other community hosts, filled with zemiros.
Distinguished lawyer Harry Rothenberg spoke about Jewish law, followed by a dessert-filled oneg. Shalosh seudos was held in the yeshiva with multiple divrei Torah given by participants. A musical Havdala capped off Shabbos.
Plans are in the works for another shabbaton as early as January.
Join them every Thursday at 8:15 for food, drinks, learning, speakers and musical kumzitz at PTI 441 Passaic Avenue, Passaic.
Contact Ben at 201-280-8145 or Rabbi Bodenheim at 862-371-3816. For information on all of their programs for men and women seven days a week, visit https://pti.shulcloud.com.