At MTA, the week leading up to Purim was truly incredible! From Jersey Day, to shiur costumes, to Venahafoch Hu Swag Day, an epic Mini Hockey tournament and Mishmar Madness, there was something for everyone.
Each theme day maximized the opportunity for talmidim to get into the Purim spirit while maintaining a Torah learning environment in the morning, and regular classes in the afternoon as well. Shiur costumes were some of the best in MTA history, with ice cream parties for the winners. This year, each of the Freshmen shiurim represented strongly and came out on top.
Lunchtime on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday was spent in the Den as 31 teams faced-off in an amazing Mini Roller Chair Hockey tournament. Games were quick and entertaining to play in and to watch, as teams competed for spots in the knockout round. Teams fought hard for their spots and there were some very close calls. Everything was ready for Wednesday night’s Mishmar Madness and Knockout Rounds of the tournament.
Wednesday evening began with round-robin chaburas by grade led by Rabbi Schenker, Rabbi Konigsberg, Rabbi Balsam and Rabbi Sonnenschein, followed by a delicious Chickie’s dinner. Then it was time for the tournament, which resulted in a team of Juniors winning it all. Congratulations to Gavriel Goller, Shua Kopstick and Joe Mogul.
After shiur, several talmidim spent their Taanis Esther helping to deliver mishloach manot to many of MTA’s incoming freshmen for next year. They continued to drive all over many of our main communities to make deliveries on Purim day, as well.
On Purim night MTA offered davening, a shiur, Megillah reading and a break-fast in Teaneck, as well as transportation from many communities to return to Yeshiva to join the YU Chagiga. The ruach was felt in the MTA building with cotton candy, popcorn, music and dancing before heading over to the MSAC for the YU Chagiga.
Purim day brought talmidim to Passaic to visit Rabbi Schenker, and to North Woodmere to visit Rabbi Konigsberg. Even on a Friday, their houses were visited by many, bringing MTA signature ruach with them. Now it is time to shift gears and start focusing on Pesach. Stay tuned for more…