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September 23, 2024
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R’ Dr. Yigal Tsaidi to Visit Shaarei Orah

Shaarei Orah, The Sephardic Congrega­tion of Teaneck, hosts Rabbi Dr. Yigal Tsai­di, Scholar in Residence, June 27-28th, 2014 for Shabbat Hukat. Rabbi Tsaidi studied at Yeshivat Merkaz Harav under the guid­ance of Rabbi Tzvi Yehuda Kook zt”l, earned his PhD at YU and the Jewish University of America. He will speak at four different times over Shabbat Hukat; Erev Shabbat after Min­cha 7pm, “The Sin of the Spies—what was the mistake of the Ten Tzadikim?”; Shabbat morning approximately 10:30am, “What caused the intelligent Korach to act fool­ishly?”; Pre-Mincha Shiur 6:45pm, “Crisis Af­ter Crisis: What really happened on the for­tieth year right before we entered Israel?”; and following Shabbat Mincha 8 p.m., “Why is it important to understand the difference between Morasha and Yerusha?” The shul is located at 1425 Essex Road (corner Ogden). Call 201-833-0800 or visit www.sephardict­

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