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October 16, 2024
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Rabbi Avraham Wein Joins Keter Torah as Assistant Rabbi

Rabbi Avraham Wein has joined Congregation Keter Torah as assistant rabbi, joining senior Rabbi Shalom Baum as well as rabbinic staff Rabbi Simcha Willig and Rabbi Andrew Israeli. Together with Youth Director Rivki Rosenthal, these professionals comprise the leadership team at Keter Torah.

“I am very excited to welcome such a learned, talented and sensitive rabbi to our incredible leadership team,” Rabbi Baum told The Jewish Link. “Rabbi Wein will assist me in all areas of rabbinic life and will add his own creative approach to inspire all age groups of our growing membership.”

Rabbi Wein most recently served as rabbinic assistant to Rabbi Kenneth Hain at Congregation Beth Sholom in Lawrence, New York. “Pastorally, Rabbi Hain is one of the most caring people I’ve ever met,” Rabbi Wein shared. “His warmth and sensitivity are a true source of comfort for his congregation. To see him in action and the impact he’s had during his time in the rabbinate confirmed for me that this is a career I want to pursue.

“I loved my time at Beth Sholom and the tremendous mentorship I received from Rabbi Hain and Rabbi Avi Miller,” Rabbi Wein continued, “but I am extremely excited for this next stage as I assume this position with more extensive responsibilities. At Keter Torah, I’ll be heavily involved in pastoral and education initiatives and will have the opportunity to engage with the whole congregation.

“I’m honored to join the wonderful ‘Roemer community,’ and by the opportunity to work with Rabbi Baum. His reputation as a leader in the Jewish community is sterling, and his wisdom is sought by rabbis across the country. Rabbi Baum’s deep love of learning, devotion to congregants, and ability to consistently share substantive and thoughtful derashot and shiurim with the community are truly admirable and inspiring. I’m confident I will learn a lot from him in the years ahead.”

Rabbi Wein began on August 15 and in his first week delivered a dvar Torah and shiur to the hashkama minyan and later in the morning, was found reading a story to pre-K and nursery children. On August 22, he launched a two-part series on “The Silent Prophet’s Misconception: Sefer Yonah’s Message of Teshuva.” In a few weeks, he and his wife, Shira, will host first- through third-graders at their home for an oneg. “We want our home to be a welcoming place for the youth of the shul,” he said. He will also be teaching Tanach at Torah Academy of Bergen County.

Growing up in Kew Garden Hills, “I always found the rabbinate appealing and worthwhile,” Rabbi Wein said. “The opportunity to help people through developing warm and supportive relationships, striving to help bring them closer to Hashem, and providing them with chances to learn, really makes me see serving in the rabbinate as a true privilege and gift.

“The rabbi of my family’s shul in Queens, Rabbi Moshe Rosenberg, of Congregation Etz Chaim, is one of the most special rabbis out there. Witnessing the meaningful connections and interactions he had with his congregants through all stages of their lives, as a community rabbi, had a profound impact on me and was a big part of what drew me to the rabbinate.”

Rabbi Wein studied at Yeshivat Har Etzion under Rabbi Mosheh Lichtenstein. “The time I spent learning with Rav Lichtenstein, benefiting from his advice and observing his ability to always present such a balanced and thoughtful view on whatever is happening in the Jewish world made a strong impression on me.”

Rabbi Wein earned a bachelor’s degree in psychology and Jewish studies from Yeshiva University (YU) as part of the Jay and Jeanie Schottenstein Honors Program. During that time, he took 10 courses with Rabbi Shalom Carmy, with whom he remains close. He received semikha as a member of the Bella and Harry Wexner Semikha Honors Program and is pursuing a master’s in medieval Jewish history at the Bernard Revel Graduate School. Rabbi Wein is also a graduate of the RIETS/Ferkauf Joint Program in Mental Health Counseling. During his semikha studies, he was a member of AIPAC’s Leffell Israel Fellowship for rabbinical students.

While at YU, he was in Rabbi Michael Rosensweig’s shiur and later served as his shiur assistant. He has helped Rabbi Rosensweig compose and publish numerous articles and a forthcoming sefer on the Yamim Noraim. “It’s hard to overstate the impact he’s had on me, both through his shiurim and our personal relationship,” said Rabbi Wein. “He is well known for his brilliance and the breadth and depth of his shiurim, but through countless interactions, I’m equally, if not more, impressed by the quality of his character.”

Rabbi Wein was also a teaching assistant to Rabbi Jacob J. Schacter and was in his RIETS chaburah for several years. Rabbi Wein considers Rabbi Schacter a close mentor. “I’m very grateful for the time he’s invested in me.”

Rabbi Wein and his wife are proud parents of two children, and they believe Teaneck will be a great place to raise their family. Shira is a graduate of Stern College and York College, a certified physician assistant and a kallah teacher. She also has experience as an NCSY adviser and as a division head at camp Moshava Ba’ir.

By Sara Kosowsky Gross


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