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September 30, 2024
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‘Rabbi Hutner and Rebbe’ to Hit Bookshelves Ahead of Rav Hutner’s 40th Yahrzeit

(Courtesy of Chabad Lubavitch) The author of “Rav and Rebbe,” “The Real Shlomo,” “Lakewood and Lubavitch” and “Satmar and Lubavitch,” Rabbi Chaim Dalfin of Brooklyn, New York, has returned with another groundbreaking title in “Rabbi Hutner and Rebbe.”

Having passed away in 1980 and being a contemporary of Reb Moshe Feinstein, Reb Yaakov Kaminetzky and Reb Shraga Feivel Mendelowitz, it’s quite curious that Rabbi Hutner of all the leaders of the yeshiva world of the previous generation, was the one left without a biographical legacy.

With the exception of the Sefer Hazikaron which was written by his renowned daughter, Rebbetzin Bruriah David, never has a book been published, in English, on the life and times of Rabbi Yitzchak Hutner.

Now, while this book is not a biography of Rabbi Hutner, rather a historical journey exploring the relationship between Rabbi Hutner and the Lubavitcher Rebbe, many details of his life and upbringing are written about at length through its pages. The book, which is 300 pages includes 400 footnotes, chronology, addendum, bibliography and glossary. Chapter titles include; Students Versus Chasidim, Rosh Yeshiva versus Chasidic Rebbe and Understanding Opposition.

Much of this book, however, is dedicated to the relationship and correspondences between Rabbi Hutner and the Lubavitcher Rebbe which began in the University of Berlin and carried through to Rabbi Hutner’s passing prior to Pesach in the year 1980.

The book contains significant approbations from Rabbi Aaron Rakeffet-Rothkoff, a noted historian and professor of the Gruss Kollel, residing in Israel, as well as David B. Levy, PhD, chief librarian of Touro-Lander College for women. In his endorsement Rabbi Rakeffet poses the question: “Who is the real Rabbi Hutner? Is he the disciple of Chief Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook or a devotee of the Satmar Rav, Rabbi Joel Teitelbaum?” It is contradictions similar to this that Rabbi Dalfin attempts to grapple with and ultimately resolve in this compelling volume and it is a must read.

The Gemara says that a person can’t fully understand and appreciate the words and wisdom of their teachers until forty years. It is no coincidence then that this first foray into the life and philosophy of Rabbi Hutner comes at this auspicious time, in preparation for his upcoming 40th yahrzeit.

If you are a student of one of Rabbi Hutner’s institutions, an enthusiast of his Machshava from his earth shattering novella in his Pachad Yitzchak series or just someone that has been enamored with him, the Rebbe and their relationship which for many years has been kept under wraps, this book is for you.

To pre-order the book email Rabbi Dalfin at [email protected] and to hire Rabbi Dalfin to address your institution please call 347.512.1429.

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