On Tuesday, Rabbi Tanchum Cohen’s Yeshiva University High School for Boys (MTA) BMK shiur had the great privilege of hearing Harav Shlomo Amar give a shiur klali to the entire Yeshiva University Mazer Yeshiva Program. Rav Amar served as Israeli Sephardic chief rabbi from 2003-2013 and he currently serves as Sephardic chief rabbi of Jerusalem. Rav Amar spoke about issues relating to kedushat klei haMikdash, focusing largely on a difficult halacha of the Rambam relating to the topic. He was in YU for the tri-annual chag hasemicha, in celebration of Rav Hershel Schachter receiving the Aluf Torah Award. The MTA boys appreciated the outstanding opportunity to hear from a world-renowned Torah scholar in person.
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